House Painting Lingo Translated

Just like any profession, house painting has words or phrases that are all their own.  Here’s a few definitions to help you translate and sift through bids from Fort Collins painting companies like Lotus Painting. Call us for more information!

  • Sheen:  different levels of light reflectivity value (LRV) on a surface that range from flat or matte to eggshell, satin, semi-gloss or gloss, read more here
  • Sash: the portion of the window that moves
  • Base & Case: base is the wood trim that runs along the wall adjacent to the floor; and case, or casement, is the wood trim around the outside of a window or door jam flush against a wall
  • Skipper/Holiday:  a missed spot in the paint job
  • Run:  when paint is over applied, can’t soak into the surface and runs off

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